Using a Roundabout


Beech Hill Roundabout

The twinning of Highway 104 includes the development of roundabouts in the Antigonish Area. Roundabouts are known to improve safety, reduce the risk of accidents as well as the severity of accidents. Because drivers are moving slower, and the angles do not allow for a head-on collision, any accidents that occur are usually minor.

Using roundabouts may be new to drivers and pedestrians in the area. To inform the public of how to properly use them, the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (TIR) will be producing custom 1-page documents that describe each of the roundabouts in the Antigonish area. These will be distributed when the roundabouts and highway are fully open. Examples of existing 1-page documents for other roundabouts in Nova Scotia are available here, on the TIR website, along with other important information about roundabouts in the province.

In the meantime, drivers and pedestrians can get an excellent education on the use of roundabouts from this animation produced by the Government of PEI. The Region of Waterloo has produced a series of videos that instruct drivers on the different situations they will encounter in a roundabout. Transportation Canada has also produced a brochure on how best to use roundabouts. All users of the roundabouts are encouraged to review these materials and become familiar with the new roundabouts.