Highway 104 Twinning – Phase 1 By The Numbers

By now, people are pretty used to travelling on the new Highway 104 and navigating those roundabouts. But we thought we would share some interesting figures about the construction of the first phase of the twinning project. They put the enormity of the project in perspective.

Rebar at hwy104antigonish.ca

A Lot of Rebar!

Number of truckloads of gravel: 55,000.
Tonnes of gravel those trucks hauled: 875,000.
Number of truckloads of asphalt: 6,000.
Tonnes of asphalt hauled: 90,000.
13,000 tonnes of concrete were used in Phase 1 and 630 tonnes of rebar.
Working hours for employees of Nova Scotia Transportation and Infrastructure: 90,000.