Antigonish Landing Open House

Feedback was very positive after the Wetlands Compensation Open House held by Nova Scotia Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (NSTIR) on May 18th. Attendees said that they found the information presented very useful and that they appreciated the opportunity to ask questions and find out more.

Wetland Compensation Presentation

It was obvious from discussion that the community sees Antigonish Landing as a valuable asset, and residents were happy to hear that the wetland would be expanded.

Residents viewed a detailed presentation on the project and the proposed work. The presentation was provided by Clinton Pinks of CBCL Consulting Engineers, and Bob Pett of NSTIR, who are leading the project. The presentation comprised many photographs, which showed diverse topics such  as the history of the site, land ownership, presence of plants and animals, and expected effects of different intensities of flooding. Residents had questions, suggestions and comments and were very interested in hearing about the planned wetland creation and the nature trail.

Interested Residents

Interested Residents with Project Engineer Sheena Sampson

In addition to the presentation, stations were set up showcasing information and maps about the wetlands, the construction schedule of the highway, the Invasive Alien Plant program, the planned nature trail and the roundabouts. Each station was staffed by experts working on the project, including Sheena Sampson, the project engineer, NSTIR representatives, CBCL representatives and a researcher from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College.

At the stations, community members were given the opportunity to ask questions and engage in one-on-one conversations about the highway development and the wetlands remediation. There were also fact sheets available for people to take home and keep for reference. Attendees were pleased to receive information about the highway project and find out first hand about the future plans.

Project Manager Bob Pett Illustrates

The CBCL report about the wetlands expansion and trail construction will soon be submitted to Nova Scotia Environment for approval. The report will be available on the website as soon as it is completed and submitted. The presentation about the Antigonish Landing Wetland Compensation Project given by CBCL is available below. Residents are also encouraged to check the website regularly for updated information.

For a copy of the materials and fact sheets that were available at the Open House, please click on the links below.

You can find out about The Invasive Alien Plant Program at Antigonish Landing and specifically about the invasive species that is being addressed, the Japanese Knotweed.

At Antigonish Landing, there will be some work to improve existing trails and to create a new Nature Trail. This is part of a plan to compensate for wetlands that are affected by the construction of the project. There is a Wetlands Creation and Expansion Plan Factsheet that provides overall information on wetland compensation for this project. And if you want the details on the study and work proposed for Antigonish Landing as part of the wetland compensation, see the comprehensive presentation made at the open house.

If you are interested in when the highway project will be complete, you can reference the Phase I Construction Schedule, which shows the work done to date and what has to be done until the project is complete in the fall of 2012.

Interested in the roundabouts that will be present at the exits? You can read the Roundabouts Factsheet, see our Interchanges and Roundabouts Information Page or even visit the ones that are now in operation on Beech Hill Road.

Any questions? Send us an email!